I toil away in big Pharma by day, paper chase an international adoption by night, and squeeze in hockey whenever possible. Plus, I'm pretty, witty and gay.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Movin' Right Along

I drove my car, Bob, out on Monday. My work husband drove with me, so that was very helpful. It took ~13.5 hours including stop time. Not too bad, but we're definately going to have to break it up with the baby. Even though we left during morning rush hour, there wasn't much traffic in Michigan or Ohio. Guess there's no one there or they all lost their jobs too. We learned a lot about this great country of ours along the way, first being a convience store named Pump and Munch is really, really funny. Because I'm twelve, duh. Second, as a scientist who understands how important a basic understanding of math and science is to the future of our country (and planet), I was shocked to see the lack of basic skills at a BK in Ohio. Our order was $3.21. Mateo gave the girl a 5, and she rang it in just as I said "I've got a penny!" Most people at this point would think, 'ohh hey! Now I can give $1.80 in change and not $1.79. That's easier!' Not this girl, however. She scowled, walked over to her calculator, checked twice. All the while I muttered the answers she was seeking. She then (slowly and carefully) gave the 80 cents, like it still didn't make sense to her. Mateo had to remind her of the dollar.

I also learned not to taunt the sea God with "Come and get me, biatch", because he will do it.

Lastly, if you are originally from Michigan, or you are curious why we talk with few t's and slurred prepositions, please go to this awesome site: The Michigan Accent

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Watts is a mouser after all!

Watts had a surprise for us the other day: a saliva soaked mouse at the foot of the stairs. Her mother was an amazing mouser, but no mice had been caught in the two years since she died, I just assumed that without claws, Watts couldn't do it. Wrong. She was so proud of herself too.

The baby has been under the weather with an intestinal issue, joy. It's not been too bad, and her mood is just a bit clingier than usual. She's getting better with bed as well, I can leave the room to get something while she's still awake and she doesn't scream her head off. This is a very welcome development.

The baby boy we were going to adopt has a new mommy and daddy! They are there now, but it's official. I am so happy for them. A very small part is sad it couldn't be me, but I really do believe that there's a "meant to be" piece here, and I was just meant to be a bridge momma to him until his mom and dad could find him. A protector, if you will. I am happy that they are interested in letting the kids know each other. How often do kids adopted half way around the world get to stay in touch with someone that they grew up with in the baby home? They've been together since Y was four months old and J one month old. They even were jealous of each other when I was there, just like cousins or siblings. Y will point to his picture when she sees it, and sometimes kisses it. Like I said, they're still there, so wish them all a safe, and speedy return!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Commuting is hell

I'm now commuting out of state for work. While I'm thankful that my boss is so understanding and allowing me to do this for a while, it's so hard to be away from my family. It was so amazing to notice the changes in the baby from just a few days. She's started to pat your back when she hugs you. How hysterical is that? It's like, "There, there, momma! It's OK!" I know it was harder on me than her, but it was my first time away since I got her.

The other thing I learned: parents know what you're doing not because they grow eyes on the backs of their heads, but because kids instinctively try to be quiet when they're up to something, and parents instinctively know the equation: silence=trouble. Here, I thought my dad was just psychic.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

What I've learned in three months

I've learned so much in my first three months as a mom. I "get" my own mother so much better now. I feel less selfish. I want so much less for myself now, I'd be happy giving up my own home for a small apartment in someone else's house...oh wait...

Anyhoo, these are some random observations:

1. Sleep is good. Really, really good (actually, I already knew this, but where my previous knowledge only rested in the sebaceous gland, it is now fully stored in subcutanious fat. Don't ask. It's been one of those days).

2. You really do have to walk before you can run. Or get strained peas all over the floor and wall before you can get them into your mouth.

3. Everyday is new and exciting, even when it was almost exactly the same as yesterday.

4. Humans may be born as clean slates, but they sure do learn how to manipulate very quickly.

5. Even billy goats need to be kissed. Don't let the smell keep you from doing this very important job.

6. Electronic equipment is really baby magnets. Seriously. Is there an invisible force that attracts them? Is it like the high pitch frequencies that kids can hear that adults can't? I open a book in the next room and nothing. Open my laptop, and she's there in an instant, trying to reach around to bang on the keys.

7. Telephones are magic. It's like talking to God.

8. My 17 month old daughter can blow her nose better than her 40 year old aunt. TMI, sorry.

9. I don't really second guess myself about my parenting choices, and that makes me really happy, and pleasantly surprised. It just feels right.

10. The Itsy-bitsy spider never gets old. Ok, maybe it does, but it shouldn't ;)