I toil away in big Pharma by day, paper chase an international adoption by night, and squeeze in hockey whenever possible. Plus, I'm pretty, witty and gay.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sorry, Florida, but better you than me...

So, Tom Monaghan, the freaky founder of Domino's Pizza, and subsequent ruiner of the Detroit Tigers has finally decided that Ann Arbor simply will not change it's liberal, heathen ways and is headed to Florida to build his religious utopia. Please note: the town will contain a 65' crucifix. Really, they're getting ripped off. He tried to build a 250' crucifix essentially in my back yard. Thank God (hee!) he was turned down, or else Jesus would have had much to see through my bedroom window.

Although, it would have given a whole new meaning to the "OH MY GOD" thing.


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